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Survivor's stories

I was excited to finally get out of sex work.

I am a 34-year-old single mother of two girls from Eldoret. I used to work as a sex worker in a nightclub. In March 2018, I was approached by one of my clients, Kim. He promised me a well-paying job in South Africa as a residential apartment caretaker. I was excited to finally get out of sex work.

I left Kenya in May. The journey by bus was cumbersome and when we boarded a cattle truck in Botswana to cross the border into South Africa, I realized that my Kim hadn’t arranged for a visa as promised. Upon my arrival, I was taken to a house where I was locked up for days until Kim came back and demanded sex. This was the first time of many and he threatened to report me to the police for illegal immigration. He also physically assaulted me when I refused his sexual advances.

In October, I was able to escape because the house was left unlocked. I ran not knowing where I was and sought refuge at a catholic church. The priest listened to my story and connected me to a parishioner who worked for the South African foreign ministry. The lady helped me get back to Kenya. She also gave me HAART Kenya’s contacts. When I came back to Kenya, I found all my household items sold by my mother in an attempt to cater for her grandchildren. I had to start afresh. I reached out to HAART in November 2018 and gratefully joined their reintegration programme. I was immediately taken for emergency medical checkup and went through numerous therapy sessions. I was also assisted in re-establishing my life through the provision of household items, rent and food supply. After I had completed my reintegration programme, I received a grant which I used to start a business of selling toddlers clothes within my residential area. The business was profitable but I misused the capital to furnish my house. I eventually returned to my previous occupation of sex work.

When COVID-19 reached Kenya it became apparent that I made a wrong choice as I couldn’t continue the trade as a result of all the imposed restrictions. I am not able to pay for rent or food for my daughters. I reached out to HAART Kenya in April hoping that they can provide me with urgent food and rent assistance.


Survivors of human trafficking need your help now! Due to the effects of COVID-19, most of the survivors in HAART’s program have lost their income. Please help us raise USD 50,000 to carry 100 survivors and their families through the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Let them have a future.

Donate now on Number is 823258 (Account Number: Your Name)Your impact will be DOUBLED by The Freedom Fund: Any donation to the campaign will be matched 100 percent!Thank you for making a difference!

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